会社名 Company Name |
(株)工房利匠 Kouboh Risyo |
代表取締役 Representative director |
小野田 利光 Onoda Toshimitsu |
本社・工場 head office |
〒319-2411 茨城県常陸大宮市小舟964-2 Yubinbango319-2411 Ibaraki Prefecture HitachiOmiya boat 964-2
TEL : 0295-56-5027 FAX : 0295-56-5027 |
統括本部 Headquarters |
〒319-2266 茨城県常陸大宮市抽ヶ台町802 Yubinbango319-2266 Ibaraki Prefecture HitachiOmiya yugadai cho 802
TEL : 0295-52-2801 FAX : 0295-52-2022 |
設立 Establishment |
平成9年7月 July 1997 |
資本金 Capital |
10,000,000円 10,000,000 yen |
決算期 Settlement period |
10月 October |
事業内容 Business |
介護用品機器の開発・製造 耕作器具の開発・製造 環境機器の開発・製造 Development and manufacture of development and manufacturing farming instrument of nursing care equipment
Development and manufacture of environmental equipment |
介護保険事業所番号 Long-term care insurance office number |
0873700405 |
URL | http://www.kouboh-risyo.jp |
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認定・指定・会員 Certification and designation member |
1) Ibaraki SME Development Corporation Sponsor
2) long-term care insurance specified office No. 0,873,700,405
3) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Hatsuro No. 218-H13010
4) independent corporation elderly and handicapped persons employment support mechanism life counselor
5) The Institute of Ibaraki Employment Development Association
6) Ibaraki company defense measures council member